Sunday, March 8, 2009

葱油饼spring onion pancake?

不久前,在 [毛宝]打印了葱油饼的食谱。今早终于试煮了。哈哈~ 还是花莲的好吃。我没那种功力。谢谢所有白老鼠帮我试吃。=)

This is supposed to be roti prata 's Taiwanese version. I ate it once at a roadside stall in Taiwan, Hualian . It was strongly recommended by our taxi driver . Its tasted really good. Sinful but delicious. =) The filling was spring onion ( my favourite). I sprinkled in chilli flakes which I bought from Yunnan. It was great, though, I still yet to master the thickness of the crust. =)

Oh....thanks to all my guinea pigs, who so willingly tried. How I love guinea pigs......they are so round and cute and "innocent". Lovely. =D

Thanks to Jacqueline who went "pan + flour " shopping with me. =) Wrote this in my broken english, hopefully will tempt you to read my blog again. haha~


  1. 葱油饼。。让我流口水。。哈哈

  2. 哈哈~~~

    对了happy woman day 。。。。。。=)
