Sunday, November 27, 2011

Green Tea latte

Green Tea latte has always being my favourite drink.
I am always ordering a GT latte or a black coffee at Starbucks.  =)

Here is my first attempt in making Milk Green Tea

1st try ( This is a tips from my cousin )
- Green Tea powder + water + whipped cream

Was deciding over the proportion of milk and water. Felt that the first one was too watery. 

2nd try ( Trying to recreate the taste of Starbucks :P )
- brought full cream milk to boil ( i uses greenfield )
- 4 tablespoon of green tea powder
- stir and serve with a little bit of whipped cream

Guess I much preferred my milk green tea with more milk... =)

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Nut cracking

Bought a pack of aksun aprocot from market today.
It was really really sweet and delicious.

The market lady told us to break open the seed and eat the kernel inside. However I heard that it could be harmful when taking it raw. From a internet source, its contain cyanide which its insoluble fiber is hard to digest by body....... but apparently it is an 'alternative' cancer treatments .

Anyway, just took one out of curiosity. It tastes like almond. =P

Saturday, August 20, 2011


Plain Congee + Preserved Olive Vegetabtle + Mishima Seto Fumi Rice seasoning

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Lemon Honey

A quick remedy to my sore throat.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

冬至 2010

