Sunday, November 27, 2011

Green Tea latte

Green Tea latte has always being my favourite drink.
I am always ordering a GT latte or a black coffee at Starbucks.  =)

Here is my first attempt in making Milk Green Tea

1st try ( This is a tips from my cousin )
- Green Tea powder + water + whipped cream

Was deciding over the proportion of milk and water. Felt that the first one was too watery. 

2nd try ( Trying to recreate the taste of Starbucks :P )
- brought full cream milk to boil ( i uses greenfield )
- 4 tablespoon of green tea powder
- stir and serve with a little bit of whipped cream

Guess I much preferred my milk green tea with more milk... =)

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Nut cracking

Bought a pack of aksun aprocot from market today.
It was really really sweet and delicious.

The market lady told us to break open the seed and eat the kernel inside. However I heard that it could be harmful when taking it raw. From a internet source, its contain cyanide which its insoluble fiber is hard to digest by body....... but apparently it is an 'alternative' cancer treatments .

Anyway, just took one out of curiosity. It tastes like almond. =P

Saturday, August 20, 2011


Plain Congee + Preserved Olive Vegetabtle + Mishima Seto Fumi Rice seasoning

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Lemon Honey

A quick remedy to my sore throat.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

冬至 2010



Saturday, August 28, 2010


Took this shot while I was in a hair salon.
Collecting recipes is a hobbit of mine.

Going to try it someday =)

Hungry already

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Warm pasta salad 1

Has been a long while since I have made warm pasta salad . My version has always been pretty flexible. Just mix in whatever I fancy on the day, toss and serve. =) ( but I never go without scallop )

This was done last week, during the long weekend. Non meat version ( because I have forgotten to buy chicken breast) Let see if I can still remember the ingredients.

- 2 tomatoes
- 2 apples
- 2 potatoes
- Broccoli
- 1/2 pack of Penne
- Mayonnaise
- cheese cream

Sprinkle in Salt, Black Pepper and Chilli Fakes

Toss and Served


Saturday, July 31, 2010

Tiramisu - 1st attempt

My first attempt at making Tiramisu. It was a little messy as you can see from the presentation. =P

Has been going around looking for Tiramisu recipe for weeks. Finally decided to settle for this one from You tube.

The instruction was very easy to follow and this is the only one that lightly cooked the egg york. =) Oh.... this was my very first attempt at whipping cream too. I nearly overwhipped it and turned it into butter. hm......maybe I have?!!!

Just tasted a spoonful of it, tasted alright. Feedback from the rest isn't bad either. just a note, maybe I should put in more Masala wine for next round. I hardly taste the wine right now =)

Sunday, July 25, 2010

In my picnic basket

... there were celery, carrots, Japanese cucumber and capsicums. It paired off nicely with the grilled chicken and the cherries we bought in supermarket.

o.....and We bought salsa and thousand island for the dip.